Contact us

Bert Cornillie
schepen van cultuur, Stad Leuven

Veerle Van Schoelant
artistieke leiding, 30CC
Sara Vandaele
communicatie & pers, 30CC

Robrecht Penders
communicatie & pers, 30CC

30CC is the cultural centre of Leuven. We love to present plays, concerts, literature, circus, family shows, ... and we're the beating heart of festivals like ‘Rode Hond’, ‘Leuven Jazz’, ‘CIRKL’, ‘Voices of Passion' and ‘Zomer van Sint-Pieter’.
Besides this vast programme in performing arts, we take things deeper, wider and more diverse. ‘Eigen Kweek’, ‘De Curatoren’, ‘Amateurama 2.0’, ‘CIRKLABO’ and our residency programme are equally fundamental parts of our organisation.